How do you prepare sheep for the show?
There are several great resources/businesses out their for all of your show-stock supplies. Both of their websites are listed below. Both will have booths at Wisconsin State Fair if you want to purchase items at that event; otherwise you can order online. Weaver has a great YouTube channel for assisting exhibitors with the steps to prepare show animals.
How do you exhibit sheep at a show?
You need to get started on training your animals. The first step is halter breaking, then training them to stand, and then walking around the show ring. Do not handle sheep during the heat of the day. Granted the show will happen during that time, but you can training them during the cooler hours of the morning and evenings.
What questions will the judge ask you?
- What does your animal weigh?
- What is your animal's rate-of-gain (ROG)? (averages: 0.5 to 0.75 lbs per day)
- What is the animal's feed conversion ration (FCR)? (averages 4-5lbs to 1 lb gain on concentrates, and 5-6lbs 1o 1lb gain on good quality forages)
- What is your animal's loin-eye-area (LEA)? (averages: 1.5 to 3.5 square inches)
- What did you feed your animal?
- What did you do to prepare the animal for this show?
- What is the breed of your animal?
- What do you like about this animal?
- What would you change about this animal?
- What do you think the dressing percentage will be of your animal? (dressing percentage is a live weight compared to carcass weight, averages are: 44-56%, most are around 54%, 52% if you have a lot of wool on them)
Sheep Facts 101
Click on the image to learn more about your sheep project. Knowing your animal project will help when fair attendees ask you questions. You may even learn best-practices management from this resources as well.
Question & Answer Session
Questions and their answers:
- tba